Wednesday, January 28, 2009

More Pictures

The twins are doing great. The doctor is increasing their feeding and hoping to take them off of the IV's later this week.

Suzi was allowed to hold them earlier today and she loved that.

Charlie haning in the crib... notice one eye slightly open because I'm bugging him!

Here's a picture of the babies room - they've now been moved to covered beds (as seen in the picture)

Suzi holding Scarlett

Suzi holding Scarlett

Suzi holding Charles (Charlie)

Suzi holding Charles (Charlie)

Suzi holding Charles (Charlie)


  1. Your hand makes them look extra small, but when Suz holds them they look just little. Gives kisses.

  2. so glad to see daily progress! they look beautiful! What do you need for them?

  3. congratulations, they are beautiful! I am so glad things are going well :)
