Sunday, May 16, 2010

Our weekend project

This weekend we set out to put together a massive sandbox - it was a long time planning and even though we're only about 80% complete we're pretty happy with the results so far. The actual sandbox is 8 feet long and 6 feet wide. It also has two benches on either end that extend a foot off the end of the sandbox making it all in all ten feet long.

We still need to finish the bench lids where we plan on storing all the toys, and to get and install the cover so it's not used as the neighborhood cat box! Plus we're going to make a tent like cover that will attach to the fence and provide a good amount of shade while the kids are playing in the summer heat.

I know most will be anxious to know that there are 6000 pounds of sand in the sand box... enough to last all summer of kids throwing and spilling sand all over the yard! (and yes, all 3 tons were moved from the driveway to the back of the yard one wheel barrel at a time)
What's not apparent in this photo is that the kids at this point are already on their second set of clothes as the first set got so dirty from playing in the sand in the morning that any hope of brushing the sand off had long been forgotten (we had to get the hose out)!


  1. Looks like fun!! Big enough for adults too!

  2. So cool! What a good dad you are!

  3. That looks great! I want one too. Miss you guys.

  4. You should send the kids here, I bet I can get them just as dirty as you can. :)

    This is an awesome sandbox!

  5. You should see our backyard project... I will see if I can post it on our blog...

  6. What a great project! I've been wanting to do a sandbox for my kids, but I haven't been able to talk my husband into it. He's worried about the mess.
